c:\projects\bitpim\src \ phones \

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python
0003 ### BITPIM
0004 ###
0005 ### Copyright (C) 2008 Nathan Hjelm <>
0006 ###
0007 ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0008 ### it under the terms of the BitPim license as detailed in the LICENSE file.
0009 ###
0010 ### $Id: 4678 2008-08-13 23:46:56Z djpham $
0014 """
0015 Communicate with the LG VX9700 cell phone.
0016 """
0018 # BitPim modules
0019 import common
0020 import com_brew
0021 import prototypes
0022 import com_lgvx10000
0023 import p_lgvx9700
0024 import helpids
0025 import sms
0027 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0028 parentphone=com_lgvx10000.Phone
0029 class Phone(parentphone):
0030     desc="LG-VX9700 (Dare)"
0031     helpid=helpids.ID_PHONE_LGVX9700
0032     protocolclass=p_lgvx9700
0033     serialsname='lgvx9700'
0035     my_model='VX9700'
0036     builtinringtones= ('Low Beep Once', 'Low Beeps', 'Loud Beep Once', 'Loud Beeps', 'VZW Default Ringtone',
0037                        'Home Phone', 'Simple Beep', 'Short Note Beep', 'Old Bell', 'Move Bell', 'Wahwah',
0038                        'Just Fine', 'Froggy Night', 'Whistling Wizard', 'Like a Movie', 'Deep Blue Sea',
0039                        'Sweet & Twenty', 'Funky Band', 'Why Not', 'Mystique', 'Evening Grow', 'This Time',
0040                        'Hawaiian Punch', 'L.O.V.E.', 'Night Sky', 'No Ring',)
0042     def setDMversion(self):
0043         self._DMv5=False
0044         self._DMv6=True
0045         self._timeout=5 # Assume a quick timeout on newer phones
0047     # Fundamentals:
0048     #  - get_esn             - same as LG VX-8300
0049     #  - getgroups           - same as LG VX-8700
0050     #  - getwallpaperindices - LGUncountedIndexedMedia
0051     #  - getringtoneindices  - LGUncountedIndexedMedia
0052     #  - DM Version          - 6
0053     #  - phonebook           - same as LG VX-8550
0054     #  - SMS                 - same dir structure as the VX-8800
0056     def _getoutboxmessage(self, sf):
0057         entry=sms.SMSEntry()
0058         entry.folder=entry.Folder_Sent
0059         entry.datetime="%d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d" % ((sf.timesent))
0060         # add all the recipients
0061         for r in sf.recipients:
0062             if r.number:
0063                 confirmed=(r.status==5)
0064                 confirmed_date=None
0065                 if confirmed:
0066                     confirmed_date="%d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d" % r.timereceived
0067                 entry.add_recipient(r.number, confirmed, confirmed_date)
0068         entry.subject=sf.subject
0069         txt=""
0070         if sf.num_msg_elements==1 and not sf.messages[0].binary:
0071             txt=self._get_text_from_sms_msg_without_header(sf.messages[0].msg, sf.messages[0].length)
0072         else:
0073             for i in range(sf.num_msg_elements):
0074                 txt+=self._get_text_from_sms_msg_with_header(sf.messages[i].msg, sf.messages[i].length)
0075         entry.text=unicode(txt, errors='ignore')
0076         if sf.priority==0:
0077             entry.priority=sms.SMSEntry.Priority_Normal
0078         else:
0079             entry.priority=sms.SMSEntry.Priority_High
0080         entry.locked=sf.locked
0081         entry.callback=sf.callback
0082         return entry
0084     def _getinboxmessage(self, sf):
0085         entry=sms.SMSEntry()
0086         entry.folder=entry.Folder_Inbox
0087         entry.datetime="%d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d" % (sf.GPStime)
0088         entry._from=sf.sender if sf.sender else sf.sender_name
0089         entry.subject=sf.subject
0090         entry.locked=sf.locked
0091         if sf.priority==0:
0092             entry.priority=sms.SMSEntry.Priority_Normal
0093         else:
0094             entry.priority=sms.SMSEntry.Priority_High
0096         txt=""
0097         _decode_func=self._get_text_from_sms_msg_with_header if \
0098                       sf.msgs[1].msg_length else \
0099                       self._get_text_from_sms_msg_without_header
0100         for _entry in sf.msgs:
0101             if _entry.msg_length:
0102                 txt+=_decode_func(_entry.msg_data.msg, _entry.msg_length)
0103         entry.text=unicode(txt, errors='ignore')
0104         entry.callback=sf.callback
0105         return entry
0107 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0108 parentprofile=com_lgvx10000.Profile
0109 class Profile(parentprofile):
0110     protocolclass=Phone.protocolclass
0111     serialsname=Phone.serialsname
0113     BP_Calendar_Version=3
0114     phone_manufacturer='LG Electronics Inc'
0115     phone_model='VX9700'
0116     # inside screen resoluation
0117     WALLPAPER_WIDTH  = 400
0118     WALLPAPER_HEIGHT = 240
0120     imageorigins={}
0121     imageorigins.update(common.getkv(parentprofile.stockimageorigins, "images"))
0122     imageorigins.update(common.getkv(parentprofile.stockimageorigins, "video"))
0123     imageorigins.update(common.getkv(parentprofile.stockimageorigins, "images(sd)"))
0124     imageorigins.update(common.getkv(parentprofile.stockimageorigins, "video(sd)"))
0126     # our targets are the same for all origins
0127     imagetargets={}
0128     imagetargets.update(common.getkv(parentprofile.stockimagetargets, "outsidelcd",
0129                                       {'width': 240, 'height': 400, 'format': "JPEG"}))
0130     imagetargets.update(common.getkv(parentprofile.stockimagetargets, "wallpaper",
0131                                       {'width': 400, 'height': 240, 'format': "JPEG"}))
0132     imagetargets.update(common.getkv(parentprofile.stockimagetargets, "pictureid",
0133                                       {'width': 120, 'height': 100, 'format': "JPEG"}))
0135     _supportedsyncs=(
0136         ('phonebook', 'read', None),  # all phonebook reading
0137         ('calendar', 'read', None),   # all calendar reading
0138         ('wallpaper', 'read', None),  # all wallpaper reading
0139         ('ringtone', 'read', None),   # all ringtone reading
0140         ('call_history', 'read', None),# all call history list reading
0141         ('sms', 'read', None),         # all SMS list reading
0142         ('memo', 'read', None),        # all memo list reading
0143         ('phonebook', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),  # only overwriting phonebook
0144         ('calendar', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),   # only overwriting calendar
0145         ('wallpaper', 'write', 'MERGE'),      # merge and overwrite wallpaper
0146         ('wallpaper', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),
0147         ('ringtone', 'write', 'MERGE'),      # merge and overwrite ringtone
0148         ('ringtone', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),
0149         ('sms', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),        # all SMS list writing
0150         ('memo', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),       # all memo list writing
0151 ##        ('playlist', 'read', 'OVERWRITE'),
0152 ##        ('playlist', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),
0153         ('t9_udb', 'write', 'OVERWRITE'),
0154         )
0155     if __debug__:
0156         _supportedsyncs+=(
0157         ('t9_udb', 'read', 'OVERWRITE'),
0158         )

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