c:\projects\bitpim\src \

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python
0002 ### BITPIM
0003 ###
0004 ### Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Roger Binns <>
0005 ### Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Steven Palm <>
0006 ###
0007 ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0008 ### it under the terms of the BitPim license as detailed in the LICENSE file.
0009 ###
0010 ### $Id: 4654 2008-07-31 21:47:50Z djpham $
0012 # This file provides the packaging definitions used by the buildrelease system
0014 import sys
0015 import os
0016 import os.path
0017 import shutil
0019 import version
0021 def sanitycheck():
0022     "Check all dependencies are present and at the correct version"
0024     print "=== Sanity check ==="
0026     print "svn location",
0027     if not "$HeadURL: $".split(":",1)[1].strip().startswith(""):
0028         raise Exception("Needs to be checked out from")
0029     print "  OK"
0031     print "python version",
0032     if sys.version_info[:2]!=(2,5):
0033        raise Exception("Should be  Python 2.5 - this is "+sys.version)
0034     print "  OK"
0036     print "wxPython version",
0037     import wx
0038     if wx.VERSION[:4]!=(2,8,7,1):
0039         raise Exception("Should be wxPython  This is "+`wx.VERSION`)
0040     print "  OK"
0042     print "wxPython is unicode build",
0043     if not wx.USE_UNICODE:
0044         raise Exception("You need a unicode build of wxPython")
0045     print "  OK"
0047     if sys.platform!='win32':
0048         print "native.usb",
0049         import native.usb
0050         print "  OK"
0052     print "pycrypto version",
0053     expect='2.0.1'
0054     import Crypto
0055     if Crypto.__version__!=expect:
0056         raise Exception("Should be %s version of pycrypto - you have %s" % (expect, Crypto.__version__))
0057     print "  OK"
0059     print "paramiko version",
0060     expect='1.7.1 (Amy)'
0061     import paramiko
0062     if paramiko.__version__!=expect:
0063         raise Exception("Should be %s version of paramiko - you have %s" % (expect, paramiko.__version__))
0064     print "  OK"
0066     print "bitfling",
0067     import bitfling
0068     print "  OK"
0070     print "pyserial",
0071     import serial
0072     print "  OK"
0074     print "apsw",
0075     import apsw
0076     ver="3.3.13-r1"
0077     if apsw.apswversion()!=ver:
0078         raise Exception("Should be apsw version %s - you have %s" % (ver, apsw.apswversion()))
0079     print "  OK"
0081     print "sqlite",
0082     ver="3.5.4"
0083     if apsw.sqlitelibversion()!=ver:
0084         raise Exception("Should be sqlite version %s - you have %s" % (ver, apsw.sqlitelibversion()))
0085     print "  OK"
0087     print "jaro/winkler string matcher",
0088     import native.strings.jarow
0089     print "  OK"
0091     # bsddb (Linux only, for evolution)
0092     if sys.platform=="linux2":
0093         print "bsddb ",
0094         import bsddb
0095         print "  OK"
0097     # - See
0098     if sys.platform=='win32':
0099         import as modulefinder # in py2exe < 0.6.4 use "import modulefinder"
0100         import win32com
0101         for p in win32com.__path__[1:]:
0102             modulefinder.AddPackagePath("win32com", p)
0103         for extra in [""]: #,"win32com.mapi"
0104             __import__(extra)
0105             m = sys.modules[extra]
0106             for p in m.__path__[1:]:
0107                 modulefinder.AddPackagePath(extra, p)
0109     print "=== All checks out ==="
0111 def resources():
0112     """Get a list of the resources (images, executables, sounds etc) we ship
0114     @rtype: dict
0115     @return: The key for each entry in the dict is a directory name, and the value
0116              is a list of files within that directory"""
0117     tbl={}
0118     # list of files
0119     exts=[ '*.xy', '*.png', '*.ttf', '*.wav', '*.jpg', '*.css', '*.pdc', '*.ids']
0120     if sys.platform=='win32':
0121         # on windows we also want the chm help file and the manifest needed to get Xp style widgets
0122         exts=exts+['*.chm', '*.manifest', '*.ico']
0123         exts=exts+['helpers/*.exe','helpers/*.dll']
0124     if sys.platform=='linux2':
0125         exts=exts+['helpers/*.lbin', '*.htb']
0126     if sys.platform=='darwin':
0127         exts=exts+['helpers/*.mbin', '*.htb']
0128     # list of directories to look in
0129     dirs=[ os.path.join('.', 'resources'), '.' ]
0130     # don't ship list
0131     dontship.append("pvconv.exe")  # Qualcomm won't answer if I can ship this
0132     for wildcard in exts:
0133         for dir in dirs:
0134             for file in glob.glob(os.path.join(dir, wildcard)):
0135                 if os.path.basename(file).lower() in dontship: continue 
0136                 d=os.path.dirname(file)
0137                 if not tbl.has_key(d):
0138                     tbl[d]=[]
0139                 tbl[d].append(file)
0141     files=[]
0142     for i in tbl.keys():
0143         files.append( (i, tbl[i]) )
0145     return files
0147 def isofficialbuild():
0148     "Work out if this is an official build"
0149     import socket
0150     h=socket.gethostname().lower()
0151     # not built by rogerb (or stevep/n9yty) are unofficial
0152     return h in ('', "roger-ba470eb54",
0153                  "",
0154                  # Joe's build machines
0155                  "tinyone", "tiny2one",
0156                  # Sean's
0157                  "leviathan.local",
0158                  )
0160 def ensureofficial():
0161     """If this is not an official build then ensure that version.vendor doesn't say it is"""
0162     # First do a freeze
0163     version.__freeze()
0164     print "Reloading version"
0165     reload(version)
0166     officialbuild=isofficialbuild()
0167     if officialbuild and version.vendor=='unofficial':
0168         vendor='official'
0169     elif not officialbuild and version.vendor=='official':
0170         vendor='unofficial'
0171     else:
0172         vendor=None
0173     if vendor:
0174         # so modify file
0175         versionpy=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")
0176         out=[]
0177         for line in open(versionpy, "rt"):
0178             if line.startswith('vendor="'):
0179                 line='vendor="$%s %s $"\n' % ("Id:", vendor)
0180             out.append(line)
0182         open(versionpy, "wt").write("".join(out))
0183         reload(version)
0185 def getversion():
0186     return version.version
0187 def setversion(versionstring, vendorstring='Test'):
0188     version.setversion(versionstring, vendorstring)
0190 import phones
0191 import encodings
0192 import glob
0193 def getallencodingsmodules():
0194     # work-around for cx_freeze: add all encodings modules
0195     _res=[]
0196     _dir=os.path.dirname(encodings.__file__)
0197     _glob_name=os.path.join(_dir, '*.py')
0198     _modules=[os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(x)[0]) for x in glob.glob(_glob_name) \
0199               if os.path.basename(x) != '']
0200     for _key in _modules:
0201         # collect what we have
0202         try:
0203             _mod_name='encodings.'+_key
0204             __import__(_mod_name)
0205             _res.append(_mod_name)
0206         except (ImportError,AttributeError):
0207             pass
0208     return _res
0210 lazyimportmodules=['email.iterators']
0211 if sys.platform=='darwin':
0212     lazyimportmodules.append('Carbon.CF')
0213 elif sys.platform=='linux2':
0214     try:
0215         import _md5, _sha
0216         lazyimportmodules.append('_md5')
0217         lazyimportmodules.append('_sha')
0218     except ImportError:
0219         pass
0221 def getcxfreezeoptions(defaults):
0222     global lazyimportmodules
0223     defaults.update(
0224         {
0225         'app': [{'script': 'src/', 'dest_base': 'bitpim'}],
0226         }
0227         )
0228     defaults['options']['cxfreeze']['includes']=phones.getallmodulenames()+\
0229                                                  getallencodingsmodules()+\
0230                                                  lazyimportmodules
0231     return defaults
0233 def getpy2appoptions(defaults):
0234     global lazyimportmodules
0235     defaults.update(
0236         {
0237         'app': [{'script': 'src/',}],
0238         }
0239         )
0240     defaults['options']['py2app']['includes']=phones.getallmodulenames()+\
0241                                                lazyimportmodules
0242     defaults['options']['py2app']['plist']['CFBundleHelpBookFolder']="BitPim Help"
0243     defaults['options']['py2app']['plist']['CFBundleHelpBookName']="BitPim Help"
0244     return defaults
0246 def getpy2exeoptions(defaults):
0247     global lazyimportmodules
0248     defaults.update(
0249         {
0250         'windows': [{ 'script': 'src/', 'dest_base': 'bitpimw', }],
0251         'console': [{ 'script': 'src/', 'dest_base': 'bitpim', }],
0252         }
0253         )
0254     defaults['options']['py2exe']['includes']=phones.getallmodulenames()+\
0255                                                lazyimportmodules
0256     defaults['options']['py2exe']['compressed']=0 # make setup.exe smaller but installed code larger
0257     return defaults
0259 udevrules_filename='60-bitpim.rules'
0260 udevrules_line='ACTION=="add", SYSFS{idProduct}=="%04x", SYSFS{idVendor}=="%04x", RUN+="/usr/bin/bpudev $env{DEVNAME} $number $sysfs{devnum}"'
0261 from common import importas
0262 def generate_udevrules():
0263     """Generate the udev rules file based on all the known VIDs and PIDs"""
0264     global udevrules_filename, udevrules_line
0265     _ids={}
0266     for _f in phones.getallmodulenames():
0267         _profile=importas(_f)
0268         if hasattr(_profile.Profile, 'usbids'):
0269             for _id in _profile.Profile.usbids:
0270                 _ids[_id]=True
0271     _rules=[]
0272     for _entry in _ids:
0273         _rules.append(udevrules_line%(_entry[1], _entry[0]))
0274     _f=file('resources/%s'%udevrules_filename, 'wt').write('\n'.join(_rules))
0276 def copyresources(destdir):
0277     if sys.platform=='linux2':
0278         generate_udevrules()
0279     import packageutils
0280     packageutils.copysvndir('resources', os.path.join(destdir, 'resources'), resourcefilter)
0281     packageutils.copysvndir('helpers', os.path.join(destdir, 'helpers'), resourcefilter)
0283 def resourcefilter(srcfilename, destfilename):
0284     global udevrules_filename
0285     exts=[ '.xy', '.png', '.ttf', '.wav', '.jpg', '.css', '.pdc', '.ids', '.ico']
0286     files=[]
0287     if sys.platform=='win32':
0288         # on windows we also want the chm help file 
0289         exts=exts+['.chm', '.exe', '.dll']
0290     if sys.platform=='linux2':
0291         exts=exts+['.lbin', '.htb']
0292         files+=['bpudev', udevrules_filename]
0293     if sys.platform=='darwin':
0294         exts=exts+['.mbin', '.htb']
0295     if os.path.splitext(srcfilename)[1] in exts or \
0296        os.path.basename(srcfilename) in files:
0297         return srcfilename, destfilename
0298     return None
0300 def build_dependences():
0301     # build modules
0302     import buildmodules
0303     # rebuild all the prototocol (*.p) files
0304     import protogen
0305     for f in glob.glob("src/phones/*.p"):
0306         protogen.processfile(f, f+"y")
0308 def finalize(destdir):
0309     if sys.platform=='win32':
0310         for f in ("w9xpopen.exe",):
0311             if os.path.exists(os.path.join(destdir, f)):
0312                 os.remove(os.path.join(destdir, f))
0313     if sys.platform=='darwin':
0314         # do apple help
0315         import zipfile
0316         helpdir=os.path.join(destdir, "English.lproj", "BitPim Help")
0317         os.makedirs(helpdir)
0318         f=zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(destdir, "resources", "bitpim.htb"), "r")
0319         for name in f.namelist():
0320             if os.path.splitext(name)[1] in ('.htm', '.html', '.jpg', '.png'):
0321                 open(os.path.join(helpdir, name), "wb").write(
0322                 os.chmod(os.path.join(helpdir, name), 0444)
0323             else:
0324                 print "skipping help file",name
0325         # the idiots at apple decided to make it impossible to automate the help indexer
0326         # how about giving it command line options?
0327         v=os.popen("sw_vers -productVersion", "r").read()
0328         if v.startswith("10.3"):
0329             res=os.system("open -a \"Apple Help Indexing Tool\" \""+helpdir+"\"")
0330             assert res==0
0331             # we do this stupid loop monitoring cpu consumption and once it is
0332             # unchanged for 2 seconds, assume that the indexing is complete
0333             print "Waiting for indexing tool to stop by monitoring CPU consumption"
0334             import time
0335             lastval=""
0336             val="x"
0337             pid=0
0338             while val!=lastval:
0339                 print ".",
0340                 sys.stdout.flush()
0341                 time.sleep(2)
0342                 for line in os.popen("ps cx", "r"):
0343                     line=line.split()
0344                     line=line[:4]+[" ".join(line[4:])]
0345                     if line[4]!="Apple Help Indexing Tool":
0346                         continue
0347                     pid=line[0]
0348                     lastval=val
0349                     val=line[3]
0350                     break
0351             print "\nIt would appear to be done"
0352             os.system("kill "+pid)
0353         elif v.startswith("10.4"):
0354             #use Help Indexer
0355             res=os.system("\"/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Help Indexer\" \""+helpdir+"\" -PantherIndexing YES -Tokenizer 1 -ShowProgress YES -TigerIndexing YES")
0356             assert res==0
0357         # copy the css file in
0358         shutil.copy2(os.path.join(destdir, "resources", "bitpim.css"), os.path.join(helpdir, ".."))
0359         # don't need the wx style help any more
0360         os.remove(os.path.join(destdir, "resources", "bitpim.htb"))
0361     if sys.platform!='win32':
0362         os.system("find \""+destdir+"\" -depth -print0 | xargs -0 chmod a-w")
0364 def getvals():
0365     "Return various values about this product"
0366     res={
0367         'NAME':,
0368         'VERSION': version.version,
0369         'RELEASE': version.release,
0370         'DQVERSION': version.dqverstr,
0371         'COMMENTS': "Provided under the GNU Public License (GPL)",
0372         'DESCRIPTION': "Open Source Mobile Phone Tool",
0373         'COPYRIGHT': "Copyright (C) 2003-2006 The BitPim developers",
0374         'URL': version.url,
0375         'SUPPORTURL': "",
0376         'GUID': "{FA61D601-A0FC-48BD-AE7A-54946BCD7FB6}",
0377         'VENDOR': version.vendor,
0378         'ISSFILE': 'packaging/bitpim.iss',
0379         'SPECFILE': 'packaging/bitpim.spec',
0380         }
0381     if sys.platform=='win32':
0382         res['ICONFILE']="packaging/bitpim.ico"
0384     if sys.platform=="darwin":
0385         res['GUID']='org.bitpim.bitpim' # Java style less opaque than the guid style above!
0386         res['ICONFILE']="packaging/bitpim.icns"
0387         # prefix with macos versiopn
0388         v=os.popen("sw_vers -productVersion", "r").read()
0389         if v.startswith("10.3"):
0390             res['OUTFILEPREFIX']='PANTHER-'
0391         elif v.startswith("10.4"):
0392             res['OUTFILEPREFIX']='TIGER-'
0393         elif v.startswith("10.2"):
0394             res['OUTFILEPREFIX']='JAGUAR-'
0395         elif v.startswith("10.5"):
0396             res['OUTFILEPREFIX']='LEOPARD-'
0397     return res

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