c:\projects\bitpim\src \

0001 ### BITPIM
0002 ###
0003 ### Copyright (C) 2006 Simon Capper <>
0004 ###
0005 ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0006 ### it under the terms of the BitPim license as detailed in the LICENSE file.
0007 ###
0010 # standard modules
0011 from __future__ import with_statement
0012 import contextlib
0013 import os
0014 import cStringIO
0015 import copy
0016 import sha
0017 import time
0018 import string
0019 import zipfile
0022 # wx modules
0023 import wx
0025 # BitPim modules
0026 import database
0027 import common
0028 import guiwidgets
0029 import guihelper
0030 import pubsub
0031 import widgets
0032 import wallpaper
0033 import ringers
0035 class MediaWidget(wx.Panel, widgets.BitPimWidget):
0036     def __init__(self, mainwindow, parent):
0037         super(MediaWidget, self).__init__(parent, -1)
0038         self._main_window=mainwindow
0039         self.call_history_tree_nodes={}
0040         self._parent=parent
0041         # main box sizer
0042         self.vbs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
0043         # main stats display
0044         self.vbs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Media summary'), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0045         # all done
0046         self.SetSizer(self.vbs)
0047         self.SetAutoLayout(True)
0048         self.vbs.Fit(self)
0049         self.ringernodes={}
0050         self.wallpapernodes={}
0051         self.widget_to_save=None
0052         self.origin_to_save=""
0053         self.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE)
0054         self.ringerwidget=ringers.RingerView(self._main_window, parent, self)
0055         self.wallpaperwidget=wallpaper.WallpaperView(self._main_window, parent, self)
0056         pubsub.subscribe(self.OnPhoneModelChanged, pubsub.PHONE_MODEL_CHANGED)
0057         # populate data
0058         #self._populate()
0060     def DoMediaSummary(self):
0061         summary=[]
0062         summary=self.GetWidgetSummary(self.ringerwidget, summary)
0063         summary=self.GetWidgetSummary(self.wallpaperwidget, summary)
0064         self.vbs.Clear(deleteWindows=True)
0065         self.vbs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Media summary'), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0066         hbs=wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
0067         name=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
0068         count=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
0069         size=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
0070         name.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Origin'), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0071         count.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Number Files'), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0072         size.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, 'Size'), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0073         total_files=0
0074         total_size=0
0075         for entry in summary:
0076             name.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, entry[0]), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0077             count.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, str(entry[1])), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0078             size.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, self.GetNiceSizeString(entry[2])), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0079             total_files+=entry[1]
0080             total_size+=entry[2]
0081         hbs.Add(name, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2) 
0082         hbs.Add(count, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2) 
0083         hbs.Add(size, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2) 
0084         self.vbs.Add(hbs,  0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0085         self.vbs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Total number of media files: %d" % total_files), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0086         self.vbs.Add(wx.StaticText(self, -1, "Total size of media files: %s" % self.GetNiceSizeString(total_size)), 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT|wx.ALL, 2)
0087         self.vbs.Layout()
0089     def GetNiceSizeString(self, size):
0090         orig=size
0091         size=float(size)
0092         if size < 1024:
0093             return "%d bytes" % size
0094         size=size/1024
0095         if size < 1024:
0096             return "%.2f KB (%d bytes)" % (size, orig)
0097         size=size/1024
0098         return "%.2f MB (%d bytes)" % (size, orig)
0100     def GetWidgetSummary(self, widget, res):
0101         for k,e in widget.sections:
0102             num_files=0
0103             total_size=0
0104             for item in e:
0105                 total_size+=item.size
0106                 num_files+=1
0107             res.append((k.label, num_files, total_size))
0108         return res
0110     def GetRightClickMenuItems(self, node):
0111         result=[]
0112         result.append((widgets.BitPimWidget.MENU_NORMAL, guihelper.ID_EXPORT_MEDIA_TO_DIR, "Export to Folder ..." , "Export the media to a folder on your hard drive"))
0113         result.append((widgets.BitPimWidget.MENU_NORMAL, guihelper.ID_EXPORT_MEDIA_TO_ZIP, "Export to Zip File ..." , "Export the media to a zip file"))
0114         return result
0116     def GetRinger(self):
0117         return self.ringerwidget 
0119     def GetWallpaper(self):
0120         return self.wallpaperwidget 
0122     def OnInit(self):
0123         self.AddMediaNode("ringers", self.ringerwidget, self._tree.ringers)
0124         self.AddMediaNode("sounds", self.ringerwidget, self._tree.sounds)
0125         self.AddMediaNode("images", self.wallpaperwidget, self._tree.image)
0126         self.ringerwidget.updateprofilevariables(self._main_window.phoneprofile)
0127         self.wallpaperwidget.updateprofilevariables(self._main_window.phoneprofile)
0128         self.DoMediaSummary()
0130     def OnPhoneModelChanged(self, msg):
0131         for name in self.ringernodes:
0132             self._tree.DeletePage(self.ringernodes[name])
0133         self.ringernodes={}
0134         for name in self.wallpapernodes:
0135             self._tree.DeletePage(self.wallpapernodes[name])
0136         self.wallpapernodes={}
0137         self.OnInit()
0138         self.ringerwidget.OnRefresh()
0139         self.wallpaperwidget.OnRefresh()
0141     def SaveToDir(self, directory):
0142         if self.widget_to_save==None:
0143             self.SaveWidgetToDir(directory, self.ringerwidget)
0144             self.SaveWidgetToDir(directory, self.wallpaperwidget)
0145         else:
0146             self.SaveWidgetToDir(directory, self.widget_to_save, self.origin_to_save)
0148     def SaveWidgetToDir(self, directory, widget, filter=""):
0149         for k,e in widget.sections:
0150             # skip unrequested origins
0151             if filter!="" and filter!=k.label:
0152                 continue
0153             opath=self._main_window._fixup(os.path.join(directory, k.label))
0154             try:
0155                 os.makedirs(opath)
0156             except:
0157                 pass
0158             if not os.path.isdir(opath):
0159                 raise Exception("Unable to create export directory "+opath)
0160             for item in e:
0161                 me=widget._data[item.datakey][item.key]
0162                 if me.mediadata!=None and me.mediadata!='':
0163                     fpath=self._main_window._fixup(os.path.join(opath,
0164                     with file(fpath, "wb") as f:
0165                         f.write(me.mediadata)
0166                     if me.timestamp!=None:
0167                         os.utime(fpath, (me.timestamp, me.timestamp))
0170     def SaveToZip(self, zip_file):
0171         # create the zipfile in a buffer
0172         # and write to disk after it is all created
0173         op=cStringIO.StringIO()
0174         with contextlib.closing(zipfile.ZipFile(op, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)) as zip:
0175             if self.widget_to_save==None:
0176                 self.SaveWidgetToZip(zip, self.ringerwidget)
0177                 self.SaveWidgetToZip(zip, self.wallpaperwidget)
0178             else:
0179                 self.SaveWidgetToZip(zip, self.widget_to_save, self.origin_to_save)
0180         open(zip_file, "wb").write(op.getvalue())
0182     def SaveWidgetToZip(self, zip, widget, filter=""):
0183         for k,e in widget.sections:
0184             # skip unrequested origins
0185             if filter!="" and filter!=k.label:
0186                 continue
0187             for item in e:
0188                 me=widget._data[item.datakey][item.key]
0189                 if me.mediadata!=None and me.mediadata!='':
0190                     zi=zipfile.ZipInfo()
0191                     # zipfile does not like unicode. cp437 works on windows well, may be
0192                     # a better choice than ascii, but no phones currently support anything
0193                     # other than ascii for filenames
0194                     name=k.label+"/"
0195                     zi.filename=common.get_ascii_string(name, 'ignore')
0196                     if me.timestamp==None:
0197                         zi.date_time=(0,0,0,0,0,0)
0198                     else:
0199                         zi.date_time=time.localtime(me.timestamp)[:6]
0200                     zi.compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
0201                     zip.writestr(zi, me.mediadata)
0203     def GetNodeList(self, widget):
0204         res=[]
0205         if widget==self.ringerwidget:
0206             for name in self.ringernodes:
0207                 res.append(name)
0208         else:
0209            for name in self.wallpapernodes:
0210                 res.append(name)
0211         res.sort()
0212         return res            
0214     def AddMediaNode(self, node_name, widget, icon=None):
0215         if widget==self.ringerwidget:
0216             if node_name not in self.ringernodes:
0217                 if icon==None:
0218                     if string.find(node_name, "sound")!=-1:
0219                         icon=self._tree.sounds
0220                     else:
0221                         icon=self._tree.ringers    
0222                 self.ringernodes[node_name]=self.AddSubPage(widget, node_name, icon)
0223         else:
0224             if node_name not in self.wallpapernodes:
0225                 if icon==None:
0226                     if string.find(node_name, "video")!=-1:
0228                     elif string.find(node_name, "camera")!=-1:
0230                     else:
0231                         icon=self._tree.image    
0232                 self.wallpapernodes[node_name]=self.AddSubPage(widget, node_name, icon)
0234     def GetNodeName(self, widget, node):
0235         if widget==self.ringerwidget:
0236             for name in self.ringernodes:
0237                 if self.ringernodes[name]==node:
0238                     return name
0239         else:
0240             for name in self.wallpapernodes:
0241                 if self.wallpapernodes[name]==node:
0242                     return name
0245 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0246 class ExportMediaToDirDialog(wx.DirDialog):
0247     def __init__(self, parent, title):
0248         super(ExportMediaToDirDialog, self).__init__(parent, message=title, style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE|wx.DD_NEW_DIR_BUTTON)
0249         self.media_root=parent.GetActiveMediaWidget()
0251     def DoDialog(self):
0252         # do export
0253         rc=self.ShowModal()
0254         if rc==wx.ID_OK:
0255             self.media_root.SaveToDir(self.GetPath())
0257 class ExportMediaToZipDialog(wx.FileDialog):
0258     def __init__(self, parent, title):
0259         self.media_root=parent.GetActiveMediaWidget()
0260         ext="Zip files (*.zip)|*.zip|All Files (*.*)|*"
0261         if self.media_root.widget_to_save!=None:
0262             default_file=self.media_root.origin_to_save+".zip"
0263             print "here 1 "+default_file
0264         else:
0265             default_file=""
0266             print "here 2 "+default_file
0267         super(ExportMediaToZipDialog, self).__init__(parent, title, defaultFile=default_file, wildcard=ext, style=wx.SAVE|wx.OVERWRITE_PROMPT|wx.CHANGE_DIR)
0269     def DoDialog(self):
0270         # do export
0271         rc=self.ShowModal()
0272         if rc==wx.ID_OK:
0273             self.media_root.SaveToZip(self.GetPath())

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