Module usb_ids :: Class usb_ids
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Class usb_ids

Class that represents the data in the usb.ids file It reads/parses the file and creates the objects to match
Method Summary
  __init__(self, fname)
Initialize the class.
  add_data(self, fname)
Return the object representing the list of USB Classes
Return the object representing the list of vendors
  lookupclass(self, klass, subclass, protocol)
  lookupdevice(self, vendor, product, interface)

Method Details

__init__(self, fname=None)

Initialize the class. This includes reading the supplied file and creating/populating as many related objects as needed.


Return the object representing the list of USB Classes


Return the object representing the list of vendors

Generated by Epydoc 2.1 on Fri Aug 15 18:58:31 2008