Module prototypes_moto :: Class CAL_TIME
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]


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                  object --+        
prototypes.BaseProtogenClass --+    
            prototypes.CSVSTRING --+

Times used for Calendar Events (hh:mm)

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
A string value can be specified to this constructor, or in the value keyword arg.
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_converttostring(self, date) source code
_update(self, args, kwargs) source code
Returns the string we are
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Inherited from prototypes.CSVSTRING: packetsize, readfrombuffer, writetobuffer

Inherited from prototypes.BaseProtogenClass: autologread, autologwrite, iscontainer, packetspan, update

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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A string value can be specified to this constructor, or in the value keyword arg.

  • constant - (Optional) A constant value. All reads must have this value
  • terminator - (Default=,) The string terminator (or None). If set there will always be a terminator when writing. The terminator is not returned when getting the value.
  • quotechar - (Default=Double Quote) Quote character that surrounds string
  • readescape - (Default=True) Interpret PPP escape char (0x7d)
  • maxsizeinbytes - (Optional) On writing, truncate strings longer than this (length is before any escaping and quoting
  • default - (Optional) Our default value
  • raiseonunterminatedread - (Default True) raise NotTerminatedException if there is no terminator on the value being read in. terminator must also be set.
  • raiseontruncate - (Default True) raise ValueLengthException if the supplied value is too large to fit within sizeinbytes.
  • raiseonmissingquotes - (Default True) raise MissingQuotesException if the string does not have quote characters around it
  • value - (Optional) Value
  • invalidchars - (Default=quotechar) A string containing invalid characters which would be removed before writing to buffer.
  • encoding - (Default=None) If specified Unicode charset.
  • raiseonunicodeerror - (Default=True) raise exception if fail to encode/decode Unicode.
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

_update(self, args, kwargs)

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Overrides: prototypes.BaseProtogenClass._update


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Returns the string we are

Overrides: prototypes.BaseProtogenClass.getvalue
(inherited documentation)