Module prototypes :: Class LIST
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Class LIST

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       object --+    
BaseProtogenClass --+

A list of items

You can generally treat this class as though it is a list. Note that some list like methods haven't been implemented (there are so darn many!) If you are missing one you want to use, please add it to this class.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
You can pass objects to start the list with, or to the value keyword arg
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_update(self, args, kwargs) source code
readfrombuffer(self, buf)
Get our value from the buffer
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writetobuffer(self, buf)
Scribble ourselves to the buf
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Returns size in bytes that we occupy
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Do we contain fields?
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containerelements(self) source code
append(self, item) source code
extend(self, items) source code
insert(self, index, item) source code
__getitem__(self, index) source code
__iter__(self) source code
__fallbackiter(self) source code
__len__(self) source code
__setitem__(self, index, value) source code
__delitem__(self, index) source code
_makeitem(self, *args, **kwargs)
Creates a child element
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Ensures we are the correct length
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Inherited from BaseProtogenClass: autologread, autologwrite, getvalue, packetspan, update

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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You can pass objects to start the list with, or to the value keyword arg

  • createdefault - (Default False) Creates default members of the list if enough were not supplied before writing.
  • length - (Optional) How many items there are in the list
  • raiseonbadlength - (Default True) raises ValueLengthException if there are the wrong number of items in the list. Note that this checking is only done when writing or reading from a buffer. length must be set for this to have any effect. If you have createdefault set then having less than length elements will not cause the exception.
  • elementclass - (Mandatory) The class of each element
  • elementinitkwargs - (Optional) KWargs for the constructor of each element
  • value - (Optional) Value
Overrides: object.__init__

_update(self, args, kwargs)

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Overrides: BaseProtogenClass._update

readfrombuffer(self, buf)

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Get our value from the buffer

Overrides: BaseProtogenClass.readfrombuffer
(inherited documentation)

writetobuffer(self, buf)

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Scribble ourselves to the buf

Overrides: BaseProtogenClass.writetobuffer
(inherited documentation)


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Returns size in bytes that we occupy

Overrides: BaseProtogenClass.packetsize
(inherited documentation)


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Do we contain fields?

Overrides: BaseProtogenClass.iscontainer
(inherited documentation)