Package phones :: Module com_lgvi125 :: Class Phone
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[frames] | no frames]

Class Phone

source code

               object --+    
          com_phone.Phone --+
com_brew.RealBrewProtocol --+
       com_lg.LGPhonebook --+
    com_lg.LGIndexedMedia --+

Talk to the LG VI125 cell phone

Nested Classes [hide private]

Inherited from com_brew.RealBrewProtocol: DirCache

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, logtarget, commport)
Calls all the constructors and sets initial modes
source code
getfundamentals(self, results)
Gets information fundamental to interopating with the phone and UI.
source code
savesms(self, result, merge) source code
_setquicktext(self, result) source code
getsms(self, result) source code
_readsms(self) source code
_getquicktext(self) source code
_getinboxmessage(self, sf) source code
_getoutboxmessage(self, sf) source code
_get_text_from_sms_msg_without_header(self, msg, num_septets) source code
_get_text_from_sms_msg_with_header(self, msg, num_septets) source code
_getsender(self, raw, len) source code
getcallhistory(self, result) source code
_readhistoryfile(self, fname, folder, res) source code
getwallpaperindices(self, results) source code
getringtoneindices(self, results) source code
getphonebook(self, result)
Reads the phonebook data.
source code
savegroups(self, data) source code
savephonebook(self, data)
Saves out the phonebook
source code
_findserial(self, serial, dict)
Searches dict to find entry with matching serial.
source code
_normaliseindices(self, d)
turn all negative keys into positive ones for index
source code
extractphonebookentry(self, entry, fundamentals)
Return a phonebook entry in BitPim format.
source code
_assignpbtypeandspeeddials(self, entry, res) source code
_findmediainindex(self, index, name, pbentryname, type) source code
makeentry(self, counter, entry, data)
Creates pbentry object
source code
is_mode_brew(self) source code
get_detect_data(self, res) source code
get_esn(self, data=None) source code
eval_detect_data(self, res) source code
getcalendar(self, result) source code
savecalendar(self, dict, merge) source code
_build_cal_repeat(self, event, exceptions) source code
_get_voice_id(self, event, entry) source code
_build_cal_entry(self, event, exceptions, ringtone_index) source code
get_cal(self, sch_file, exceptions, ringtone_index) source code
_set_repeat_event(self, event, entry, exceptions) source code
_set_alarm(self, event, entry) source code
_set_voice_id(self, event, entry, voice_files) source code
_set_cal_event(self, event, entry, exceptions, ringtone_index, voice_files) source code
set_cal(self, sch_file, cal_dict, ringtone_index, voice_files) source code
_get_phone_number(self) source code
getfirmwareinformation(self) source code
getphoneinfo(self, phone_info) source code

Inherited from com_phone.Phone: alert, close, log, logdata, progress, raisecommsdnaexception, raisecommsexception, readobject, setmode, writeobject

Inherited from com_phone.Phone (private): _setmodemodem

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Inherited from com_brew.RealBrewProtocol: basename, dirname, exists, explore0c, get_brew_esn, getfilecontents, getfilesystem, hassubdirs, isdir, isfile, join, listfiles, listsubdirs, mkdir, mkdirs, modemmoderequest, offlinerequest, rmdir, rmdirs, rmfile, sendbrewcommand, setfileattr, statfile, writefile

Inherited from com_brew.RealBrewProtocol (private): _setmodebrew

Inherited from com_lg.LGPhonebook: sendpbcommand

Inherited from com_lg.LGIndexedMedia: getindex, getmedia, getmediaindex, getringtones, getwallpapers, savemedia, saveringtones, savewallpapers

Class Methods [hide private]
detectphone(_, coms, likely_ports, res, _module, _log) source code
Class Variables [hide private]
  desc = 'LG-VI125'
  wallpaperindexfilename = 'dloadindex/'
  ringerindexfilename = 'dloadindex/'
Various descriptions of data specific to LG VI125
  serialsname = 'lgvi125'
  imagelocations = ((10, 'dloadindex/', 'brew/...
  ringtonelocations = ((50, 'dloadindex/', 'u...
  builtinimages = ('Balloons', 'Soccer', 'Basketball', 'Bird', '...
  builtinringtones = ('Ring 1', 'Ring 2', 'Ring 3', 'Ring 4', 'R...
  brew_version_txt_key = 'ams_version.txt'
  brew_version_file = 'ams/version.txt'
  lgpbinfo_key = 'lgpbinfo'
  esn_file_key = 'esn_file'
  esn_file = 'nvm/$SYS.ESN'
  my_model = 'VI125'
  _repeat_values = {17: 'daily', 18: 'daily', 19: 'weekly', 20: ...
  _alarm_info = {-1: (0, 100, 100), 0: (1, 0, 0), 5: (2, 5, 0), ...
  _default_alarm = (0, 100, 100)
  _phone_dow = {1: 2048, 2: 1024, 4: 512, 8: 256, 16: 128, 32: 6...

Inherited from com_phone.Phone: MODEMODEM, MODENONE, getmemo, getplaylist, gett9db, gettodo

Inherited from com_brew.RealBrewProtocol: MODEBREW, brewterminator

Inherited from com_brew.RealBrewProtocol (private): _brewepochtounix

Inherited from com_lg.LGPhonebook: MODEPHONEBOOK, pbterminator

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, logtarget, commport)

source code 

Calls all the constructors and sets initial modes

Overrides: com_lg.LGIndexedMedia.__init__

getfundamentals(self, results)

source code 

Gets information fundamental to interopating with the phone and UI.

Currently this is:

  • 'uniqueserial' a unique serial number representing the phone
  • 'groups' the phonebook groups
  • 'wallpaper-index' map index numbers to names
  • 'ringtone-index' map index numbers to ringtone names

This method is called before we read the phonebook data or before we write phonebook data.

getsms(self, result)

source code 
Overrides: getsms

getcallhistory(self, result)

source code 
Overrides: getcallhistory

getphonebook(self, result)

source code 

Reads the phonebook data. The getfundamentals information will already be in result.

_findserial(self, serial, dict)

source code 

Searches dict to find entry with matching serial. If not found, returns None

extractphonebookentry(self, entry, fundamentals)

source code 

Return a phonebook entry in BitPim format. This is called from getphonebook.

makeentry(self, counter, entry, data)

source code 

Creates pbentry object

  • counter - The new entry number
  • entry - The phonebook object (as returned from convertphonebooktophone) that we are using as the source
  • data - The main dictionary, which we use to get access to media indices amongst other things


source code 
Overrides: com_brew.RealBrewProtocol.getfirmwareinformation

Class Variable Details [hide private]


Various descriptions of data specific to LG VI125



((10, 'dloadindex/', 'brew/shared', 'images', 30))




 'Mountain House',


('Ring 1',
 'Ring 2',
 'Ring 3',
 'Ring 4',
 'Ring 5',
 'Ring 6',
 'Alert 1',
 'Alert 2',


{17: 'daily', 18: 'daily', 19: 'weekly', 20: 'monthly', 21: 'yearly'}


{-1: (0, 100, 100),
 0: (1, 0, 0),
 5: (2, 5, 0),
 10: (3, 10, 0),
 60: (4, 0, 1),
 1440: (5, 0, 24),
 2880: (6, 0, 48)}


{1: 2048, 2: 1024, 4: 512, 8: 256, 16: 128, 32: 64, 64: 32}