Module phonebookentryeditor :: Class EditorManager
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Class EditorManager

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     object --+                        
wx._core.Object --+                    
wx._core.EvtHandler --+                
        wx._core.Window --+            
          wx._windows.Panel --+        
     wx._windows.ScrolledWindow --+    
 fixedscrolledpanel.wxScrolledPanel --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent, childclass)
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Returns a list of dicts corresponding to the values
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Populate(self, data)
Fills in the editors according to the list of dicts in data
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Returns True if Layout should be called
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Returns the index of the currently selected editor widget
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Adds a new widget at the currently selected location
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MoveField(self, field, delta) source code
DeleteField(self, field)
Deletes the currently select widget
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Deletes the currently select widget
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Move(self, delta)
Moves the currently selected widget
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GetWidgetPathAndSettings(self, widgetfrom, controlfrom)
Finds the specified control within the editor widgetfrom.
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SetWidgetPathAndSettings(self, widgetto, path, settings)
See GetWidgetPathAndSettings
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SetFocusOnValue(self, index)
Sets focus to the editor widget corresponding to the supplied index
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Inherited from fixedscrolledpanel.wxScrolledPanel: MakeChildVisible, OnChildFocus, SetupScrolling

Inherited from wx._windows.ScrolledWindow: AdjustScrollbars, CalcScrollInc, CalcScrolledPosition, CalcUnscrolledPosition, Create, DoPrepareDC, EnableScrolling, GetScaleX, GetScaleY, GetScrollPageSize, GetScrollPixelsPerUnit, GetTargetRect, GetTargetWindow, GetViewStart, Scroll, SetScale, SetScrollPageSize, SetScrollRate, SetScrollbars, SetTargetRect, SetTargetWindow, __repr__

Inherited from wx._windows.Panel: SetFocusIgnoringChildren

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceptsFocus, AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard, AddChild, AdjustForLayoutDirection, AssociateHandle, CacheBestSize, CanSetTransparent, CaptureMouse, Center, CenterOnParent, Centre, CentreOnParent, ClearBackground, ClientToScreen, ClientToScreenXY, ClientToWindowSize, Close, ConvertDialogPointToPixels, ConvertDialogSizeToPixels, ConvertPixelPointToDialog, ConvertPixelSizeToDialog, DLG_PNT, DLG_SZE, Destroy, DestroyChildren, Disable, DissociateHandle, DragAcceptFiles, Enable, FindWindowById, FindWindowByLabel, FindWindowByName, Fit, FitInside, Freeze, GetAcceleratorTable, GetAdjustedBestSize, GetAutoLayout, GetBackgroundColour, GetBackgroundStyle, GetBestFittingSize, GetBestSize, GetBestSizeTuple, GetBestVirtualSize, GetBorder, GetCaret, GetCharHeight, GetCharWidth, GetChildren, GetClientAreaOrigin, GetClientRect, GetClientSize, GetClientSizeTuple, GetConstraints, GetContainingSizer, GetCursor, GetDefaultAttributes, GetDropTarget, GetEffectiveMinSize, GetEventHandler, GetExtraStyle, GetFont, GetForegroundColour, GetFullTextExtent, GetGrandParent, GetGtkWidget, GetHandle, GetHelpText, GetHelpTextAtPoint, GetId, GetLabel, GetLayoutDirection, GetMaxHeight, GetMaxSize, GetMaxWidth, GetMinHeight, GetMinSize, GetMinWidth, GetName, GetParent, GetPosition, GetPositionTuple, GetRect, GetScreenPosition, GetScreenPositionTuple, GetScreenRect, GetScrollPos, GetScrollRange, GetScrollThumb, GetSize, GetSizeTuple, GetSizer, GetTextExtent, GetThemeEnabled, GetToolTip, GetTopLevelParent, GetUpdateClientRect, GetUpdateRegion, GetValidator, GetVirtualSize, GetVirtualSizeTuple, GetWindowBorderSize, GetWindowStyle, GetWindowStyleFlag, GetWindowVariant, HasCapture, HasFlag, HasMultiplePages, HasScrollbar, HasTransparentBackground, Hide, HitTest, HitTestXY, InheritAttributes, InheritsBackgroundColour, InitDialog, InvalidateBestSize, IsBeingDeleted, IsDoubleBuffered, IsEnabled, IsExposed, IsExposedPoint, IsExposedRect, IsFrozen, IsRetained, IsShown, IsShownOnScreen, IsTopLevel, Layout, LineDown, LineUp, Lower, MakeModal, MoveAfterInTabOrder, MoveBeforeInTabOrder, MoveXY, Navigate, OnPaint, PageDown, PageUp, PopEventHandler, PopupMenu, PopupMenuXY, PostCreate, PrepareDC, PushEventHandler, Raise, Refresh, RefreshRect, RegisterHotKey, ReleaseMouse, RemoveChild, RemoveEventHandler, Reparent, ScreenToClient, ScreenToClientXY, ScrollLines, ScrollPages, ScrollWindow, SendSizeEvent, SetAcceleratorTable, SetAutoLayout, SetBackgroundColour, SetBackgroundStyle, SetBestFittingSize, SetCaret, SetClientRect, SetClientSize, SetClientSizeWH, SetConstraints, SetContainingSizer, SetCursor, SetDimensions, SetDoubleBuffered, SetDropTarget, SetEventHandler, SetExtraStyle, SetFocus, SetFocusFromKbd, SetFont, SetForegroundColour, SetHelpText, SetHelpTextForId, SetId, SetInitialSize, SetLabel, SetLayoutDirection, SetMaxSize, SetMinSize, SetName, SetOwnBackgroundColour, SetOwnFont, SetOwnForegroundColour, SetPosition, SetRect, SetScrollPos, SetScrollbar, SetSize, SetSizeHints, SetSizeHintsSz, SetSizeWH, SetSizer, SetSizerAndFit, SetThemeEnabled, SetToolTip, SetToolTipString, SetTransparent, SetValidator, SetVirtualSize, SetVirtualSizeHints, SetVirtualSizeHintsSz, SetVirtualSizeWH, SetWindowStyle, SetWindowStyleFlag, SetWindowVariant, ShouldInheritColours, Show, Thaw, ToggleWindowStyle, TransferDataFromWindow, TransferDataToWindow, UnregisterHotKey, Update, UpdateWindowUI, UseBgCol, Validate, WarpPointer, WindowToClientSize

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: AddPendingEvent, Bind, Connect, Disconnect, GetEvtHandlerEnabled, GetNextHandler, GetPreviousHandler, ProcessEvent, ProcessPendingEvents, SetEvtHandlerEnabled, SetNextHandler, SetPreviousHandler, Unbind

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler (private): _setOORInfo

Inherited from wx._core.Object: GetClassName, IsSameAs

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from wx._windows.ScrolledWindow: GetClassDefaultAttributes

Inherited from wx._core.Window: FindFocus, GetCapture, NewControlId, NextControlId, PrevControlId

Class Variables [hide private]
  ID_DOWN = 208
  ID_UP = 209
  ID_ADD = 210
  ID_DELETE = 211
  instruction_text = '\n\n\nPress Add above to add a field. Pre...
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from wx._windows.ScrolledWindow: ScaleX, ScaleY, TargetWindow, ViewStart, thisown

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceleratorTable, AutoLayout, BackgroundColour, BackgroundStyle, BestSize, BestVirtualSize, Border, Caret, CharHeight, CharWidth, Children, ClientAreaOrigin, ClientRect, ClientSize, Constraints, ContainingSizer, Cursor, DefaultAttributes, DropTarget, EffectiveMinSize, Enabled, EventHandler, ExtraStyle, Font, ForegroundColour, GrandParent, GtkWidget, Handle, HelpText, Id, Label, LayoutDirection, MaxHeight, MaxSize, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinSize, MinWidth, Name, Parent, Position, Rect, ScreenPosition, ScreenRect, Shown, Size, Sizer, ThemeEnabled, ToolTip, TopLevel, TopLevelParent, UpdateClientRect, UpdateRegion, Validator, VirtualSize, WindowStyle, WindowStyleFlag, WindowVariant

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: EvtHandlerEnabled, NextHandler, PreviousHandler

Inherited from wx._core.Object: ClassName

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent, childclass)

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  • parent - Parent window
  • childclass - One of the *Editor classes which is used as a factory for making the widgets that correspond to each value
Returns: EvtHandler
Overrides: object.__init__

Populate(self, data)

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Fills in the editors according to the list of dicts in data

The editor widgets are created and destroyed as needed


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Returns the index of the currently selected editor widget

  • IndexError - if there is no selected one

Move(self, delta)

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Moves the currently selected widget

  • delta - positive to move down, negative to move up
Overrides: wx._core.Window.Move

GetWidgetPathAndSettings(self, widgetfrom, controlfrom)

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Finds the specified control within the editor widgetfrom. The values are for calling SetWidgetPathAndSettings.

Returns a tuple of (path, settings). path corresponds to the hierarchy with an editor (eg a panel contains a radiobox contains the radio button widget). settings means something to SetWidgetPathAndSettings. For example, if the widget is a text widget it contains the current insertion point and selection.

Class Variable Details [hide private]



Press Add above to add a field.  Press Delete to remove the field your
cursor is on.

You can use Up and Down to change the priority of items.  For example,\