Module memo
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Module memo

source code

Code to handle memo/note items

The format for the memo is standardized.  It is a dict with the following

MemoEntry properties:
subject - 'string subject'
text - 'string text'
categories - [{ 'category': 'string' }]
secret - True/<False|None>
date - date time/stamp 'Mmm dd, YYYY HH:MM' (Read only)
id - unique id string that can be used as a dict key.

MemoEntry methods:
get() - return a copy of the memo dict.
set(dict) - set the internal dict to the new dict.
set_date_now() - set the date/time stamp to the current date/time
set_date_isostr(iso_string) - set the date/time stamp to the ISO date string

To implement memo read/write for a phone module:
 Add 2 entries into Profile._supportedsyncs:
        ('memo', 'read', None),     # all memo reading
        ('memo', 'write', 'OVERWRITE')  # all memo writing

implement the following 2 methods in your Phone class:
    def getmemo(self, result):
        return result

    def savememo(self, result, merge):
        return result

The result dict key is 'memo'.

Classes [hide private]
Variables [hide private]
  widgets_list = []
  module_debug = False
  memoobjectfactory = database.dataobjectfactory(MemoDataObject)