Module database :: Class Database
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Class Database

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__enter__(self) source code
__exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, tb) source code
__del__(self) source code
__init__(self, filename, virtualtables=None)
@param filename: database filename...
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_sqltrace(self, cmd, bindings) source code
_rowtrace(self, *row) source code
sql(self, statement, params=())
Executes statement and return a generator of the results
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sqlmany(self, statement, params)
execute statements repeatedly with params
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doestableexist(self, tablename) source code
getcolumns(self, tablename, onlynames=False) source code
savemajordict(*args, **kwargs)
This is the entrypoint for saving a first level dictionary such as the phonebook or calendar.
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updateindirecttable(self, tablename, indirects) source code
getmajordictvalues(*args, **kwargs) source code
_getindirect(self, what)
Gets a list of values (indirect) as described by what
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_altertable(self, tablename, columnstoadd, columnstodel, createindex=0)
Alters the named table by deleting the specified columns, and adding the listed columns
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deleteold(*args, **kwargs)
Deletes old entries from the database.
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savelist(*args, **kwargs)
Just save a list of items (eg categories).
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loadlist(*args, **kwargs)
Loads a list of items (eg categories)
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getchangescount(*args, **kwargs)
Return the number of additions, deletions, and modifications made to this table over time.
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Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, filename, virtualtables=None)

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@param filename: database filename
@param virtualtables: a list of dict specifying the virtual tables
    Each dict is expected to have the following keys:
    'tablename': the name of the virtual table
    'modulename': the name of the module that implements this virtual
    'moduleclass': the ModuleBase subclass that implements this
        virtual table
    'args': arguments passed to instantiaion of the module class

savemajordict(*args, **kwargs)

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This is the entrypoint for saving a first level dictionary such as the phonebook or calendar.

  • tablename - name of the table to use
  • dict - The dictionary of record. The key must be the uniqueid for each record. The @extractbitpimserials function can do the conversion for you for phonebook and similar formatted records.
  • timestamp - the UTC time in seconds since the epoch. This is
  • @ExclusiveWrapper

getmajordictvalues(*args, **kwargs)

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  • @ExclusiveWrapper

_getindirect(self, what)

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Gets a list of values (indirect) as described by what

  • what - what to get - eg phonebook_serials,1,3,5, (note there is always a trailing comma)

_altertable(self, tablename, columnstoadd, columnstodel, createindex=0)

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Alters the named table by deleting the specified columns, and adding the listed columns

  • tablename - name of the table to alter
  • columnstoadd - a list of (name,type) of the columns to add
  • columnstodel - a list name of the columns to delete
  • createindex - what sort of index to create. 0 means none, 1 means on just __uid__ and 2 is on all data columns

deleteold(*args, **kwargs)

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Deletes old entries from the database. The deletion is based on either criterion of maximum values or age of values matching.

  • uids - You can limit the items deleted to this list of uids, or None for all entries.
  • minvalues - always keep at least this number of values
  • maxvalues - maximum values to keep for any entry (you can supply None in which case no old entries will be removed based on how many there are).
  • keepoldest - values older than this number of days before now are removed. You can also supply None in which case no entries will be removed based on age.
number of rows removed,number of rows remaining
  • @ExclusiveWrapper

savelist(*args, **kwargs)

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Just save a list of items (eg categories). There is no versioning or transaction history.

Internally the table has two fields. One is the actual value and the other indicates if the item is deleted.

  • @ExclusiveWrapper

loadlist(*args, **kwargs)

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Loads a list of items (eg categories)

  • @ExclusiveWrapper

getchangescount(*args, **kwargs)

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Return the number of additions, deletions, and modifications made to this table over time. Expected fields containted in this table: __timestamp__,__deleted__, __uid__ Assuming that both __rowid__ and __timestamp__ values are both ascending

  • @ExclusiveWrapper