Module calendarcontrol :: Class CalendarCellAttributes
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Class CalendarCellAttributes

source code

A class represnting appearance attributes for an individual day.

You should subclass this if you wish to change the appearance from the defaults

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self) source code
__setattr__(self, k, v) source code
Is the number representing the day right aligned within the cell?
source code
Are times shown in military (aka 24 hour) time?
source code
setforcellbackground(self, dc)
Set the cell background attributes
source code
setforlabel(self, dc, fontscale=1)
Set the attributes for the day label
source code
setfortime(self, dc, fontscale=1)
Set the attributes for the time of an event text
source code
setforentry(self, dc, fontscale=1)
Set the attributes for the label of an event text
source code
setscaledfont(self, dc, font, fontscale)
Changes the in the device context to the supplied font suitably scaled
source code
Method Details [hide private]


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Is the number representing the day right aligned within the cell?

Returns: Bool
True is it should be shown right aligned


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Are times shown in military (aka 24 hour) time?

Returns: Bool
True is militart/24 hour format should be used

setforcellbackground(self, dc)

source code 

Set the cell background attributes


  • dc (wx.DC)

setforlabel(self, dc, fontscale=1)

source code 

Set the attributes for the day label

Colour, font

  • fontscale (float) - You should multiply the font point size by this number
  • dc (wx.DC)

setfortime(self, dc, fontscale=1)

source code 

Set the attributes for the time of an event text

Colour, font

  • fontscale (float) - You should multiply the font point size by this number
  • dc (wx.DC)

setforentry(self, dc, fontscale=1)

source code 

Set the attributes for the label of an event text

Colour, font

  • fontscale (float) - You should multiply the font point size by this number
  • dc (wx.DC)

setscaledfont(self, dc, font, fontscale)

source code 

Changes the in the device context to the supplied font suitably scaled

  • fontscale (float)
  • font (wx.Font)
  • dc (wx.DC)
Returns: Bool
Returns True if the scaling succeeded, and False if the font was already too small to scale smaller (the smallest size will still have been selected into the device context)