Package bitfling :: Module xmlrpcstuff :: Class ServerChannel
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Class ServerChannel

source code

      object --+    
paramiko.Channel --+

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, chanid, peeraddr, username)
Create a new channel.
source code
readall(self, amount) source code
XMLRPCLoop(self, conn)
Main loop that deals with the XML-RPC data
source code

Inherited from paramiko.Channel: __del__, __repr__, close, exec_command, exit_status_ready, fileno, get_id, get_name, get_pty, get_transport, getpeername, gettimeout, invoke_shell, invoke_subsystem, makefile, makefile_stderr, recv, recv_exit_status, recv_ready, recv_stderr, recv_stderr_ready, request_x11, resize_pty, send, send_exit_status, send_ready, send_stderr, sendall, sendall_stderr, set_combine_stderr, set_name, setblocking, settimeout, shutdown, shutdown_read, shutdown_write

Inherited from paramiko.Channel (private): _check_add_window, _close_internal, _feed, _feed_extended, _handle_close, _handle_eof, _handle_request, _log, _request_failed, _request_success, _send_eof, _set_closed, _set_remote_channel, _set_transport, _set_window, _unlink, _wait_for_event, _wait_for_send_window, _window_adjust

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, chanid, peeraddr, username)

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Create a new channel. The channel is not associated with any particular session or Transport until the Transport attaches it. Normally you would only call this method from the constructor of a subclass of Channel.

  • chanid - the ID of this channel, as passed by an existing Transport.
Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

XMLRPCLoop(self, conn)

source code 

Main loop that deals with the XML-RPC data

  • conn - The connectionthread object we are working for