Package bitfling :: Module guihelper
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Source Code for Module bitfling.guihelper

  1  ### BITPIM 
  2  ### 
  3  ### Copyright (C) 2004 Roger Binns <> 
  4  ### 
  5  ### This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  6  ### it under the terms of the BitPim license as detailed in the LICENSE file. 
  7  ### 
  8  ### $Id: 1638 2004-10-07 03:21:09Z n9yty $ 
 10  """Various convenience functions and widgets to assist the gui""" 
 12  import time 
 13  import os 
 14  import sys 
 15  import StringIO 
 16  import traceback 
 19  import wx 
 21  # some library routines 
22 -def IsMSWindows():
23 """Are we running on Windows? 24 25 @rtype: Bool""" 26 return wx.Platform=='__WXMSW__'
28 -def IsGtk():
29 """Are we running on GTK (Linux) 30 31 @rtype: Bool""" 32 return wx.Platform=='__WXGTK__'
34 -def IsMac():
35 """Are we running on Mac 36 37 @rtype: Bool""" 38 return wx.Platform=='__WXMAC__'
40 -class LogWindow(wx.Panel):
42 - def __init__(self, parent):
43 wx.Panel.__init__(self,parent, -1, style=wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE) 44 self.tb=wx.TextCtrl(self, 1, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_RICH2|wx.NO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE|wx.TE_DONTWRAP|wx.TE_READONLY) 45 f=wx.Font(10, wx.MODERN, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL ) 46 ta=wx.TextAttr(font=f) 47 self.tb.SetDefaultStyle(ta) 48 self.sizer=wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) 49 self.sizer.Add(self.tb, 1, wx.EXPAND) 50 self.SetSizer(self.sizer) 51 self.SetAutoLayout(True) 52 self.sizer.Fit(self) 53 wx.EVT_IDLE(self, self.OnIdle) 54 self.outstandingtext=""
56 - def Clear(self):
57 self.tb.Clear()
59 - def OnIdle(self,_):
60 if len(self.outstandingtext): 61 self.tb.AppendText(self.outstandingtext) 62 self.outstandingtext="" 63 self.tb.ScrollLines(-1)
65 - def log(self, str):
66 now=time.time() 67 t=time.localtime(now) 68 if len(str)==0 or str[0]=="&": # already has time etc stamps 69 self.outstandingtext+=str[1:]+"\r\n" 70 else: 71 self.outstandingtext+="%d:%02d:%02d.%03d: %s\r\n" % ( t[3], t[4], t[5], int((now-int(now))*1000), str)
73 - def logexception(self, excinfo=None):
74 str=formatexception(excinfo) 75 self.log(str)
76 77
78 -def formatexception(excinfo=None, lastframes=8):
79 """Pretty print exception, including local variable information. 80 81 See Python Cookbook, recipe 14.4. 82 83 @param excinfo: tuple of information returned from sys.exc_info when 84 the exception occurred. If you don't supply this then 85 information about the current exception being handled 86 is used 87 @param lastframes: local variables are shown for these number of 88 frames 89 @return: A pretty printed string 90 """ 91 if excinfo is None: 92 excinfo=sys.exc_info() 93 94 s=StringIO.StringIO() 95 traceback.print_exception(*excinfo, **{'file': s}) 96 tb=excinfo[2] 97 98 while True: 99 if not tb.tb_next: 100 break 101 tb=tb.tb_next 102 stack=[] 103 f=tb.tb_frame 104 while f: 105 stack.append(f) 106 f=f.f_back 107 stack.reverse() 108 if len(stack)>lastframes: 109 stack=stack[-lastframes:] 110 print >>s, "\nVariables by last %d frames, innermost last" % (lastframes,) 111 for frame in stack: 112 print >>s, "" 113 print >>s, "Frame %s in %s at line %s" % (frame.f_code.co_name, 114 frame.f_code.co_filename, 115 frame.f_lineno) 116 for key,value in frame.f_locals.items(): 117 # filter out modules 118 if type(value)==type(sys): 119 continue 120 print >>s,"%15s = " % (key,), 121 try: 122 print >>s,`value`[:160] 123 except: 124 print >>s,"(Exception occurred printing value)" 125 return s.getvalue()
126 127 128 # Where to find bitmaps etc 129 if IsMac(): 130 p=os.getcwd() 131 else: 132 p=sys.path[0] 133 if p.lower().endswith(".zip"): # zip importer in action 134 p=os.path.dirname(p) 135 resourcedirectory=os.path.join(os.path.abspath(p), "resources") 136
137 -def getresourcefile(filename):
138 """Returns name of file by adding it to resource directory pathname 139 140 No attempt is made to verify the file exists 141 @rtype: string 142 """ 143 return os.path.join(resourcedirectory, filename)
145 -def run(*args):
146 """Execute the command. 147 148 The path is searched""" 149 sl=os.spawnl 150 if sys.platform!='win32': 151 sl=os.spawnlp 152 ret=apply(sl, (os.P_WAIT,args[0])+args) 153 else: 154 # win98 was fine with above code, winxp just chokes 155 # so we call system() instead 156 str="" 157 for a in args: 158 if len(a)==0: 159 str+=' ""' 160 elif a.find(' ')>=0: 161 str+=' "'+a+'"' 162 else: 163 str+=" "+a 164 str=str[1:] # remove first space 165 # If you ever wanted proof how idiotic windows is, here it is 166 # if there is a value enclosed in double quotes, it is 167 # taken as the window title, even if it comes after all 168 # the switches, so i have to supply one, otherwise it mistakes 169 # the command to run as the window title 170 ret=os.system('start /b /wait "%s" %s' % (args[0], str)) 171 return ret