Package bitfling :: Module client :: Class client
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Class client

source code

A BitFling client

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, username, password, host, port, certverifier=None)
The URL should include username and password if any
source code
getversion(self) source code
scan(self) source code
deviceopen(self, port, baud, timeout, hardwareflow, softwareflow) source code
deviceclose(self, handle) source code
devicesetbaudrate(self, handle, rate) source code
devicesetdtr(self, handle, dtr) source code
devicesetrts(self, handle, rts) source code
devicewrite(self, handle, data) source code
devicesendatcommand(self, handle, atcommand, ignoreerror) source code
devicereaduntil(self, handle, char, numfailures) source code
deviceread(self, handle, numchars) source code
devicereadsome(self, handle, numchars) source code
devicewritethenreaduntil(self, handle, data, char, numfailures) source code