
This page allows users to retrieve, maintain, and send to-do task items from/to the phone. The list of task items is displayed on the left listbox, with the detailed information of the selected item displayed in the right fields.


The labels of these fields are color coded to indicate their applicability to the current phone:

Summary: The summary/title of the current task item.

Status: The current status of the selected item.

Due Date: The due date of the selected item.

% Complete: The completion percentage of the selected item.

Completion Date: The date of completion of the selected item.

Private: Turn on the private/secret flag of this memo when checked.

Priority: The priority of the selected item.

Category: The categories assigned/associated with this item.

Memo: Textual notes on this item.


Add: Add a new task item to the list.

Delete: Delete the selected item from the list.

Set Date: Bring up a calendar dialog allowing users to set date.

Save: Save the changes made to this item.

Help: Bring up this help page.

Revert: Dicard all changes made to this item.

BitPim Online Help built 17 January 2010